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Email: gh.zhang [AT] sdu.edu.cn,
ghzhang [AT] link.cuhk.edu.hk


  • [2022年10月] 香港中文大学多媒体通信实验室招聘【博士后】【研究助理】。有意申请的同学请联系李耀斌教授[详情]

  • [2022年8月] 全年招收【博士后】【博士】【硕士研究生】。要求热爱科研,具有较强编程能力,可为科研表现优异的学生提供多种形式的国内/海外学术交流访问机会,有意报考的同学请通过email发送简历。[详情]


张广辉博士,山东省泰山学者(青年专家)、山东省(海外)优秀青年科学基金获得者、山东省高层次人才、山东大学齐鲁青年学者。于2020年在香港中文大学信息工程系取得博士学位,于2020年至2021年期间在香港中文大学任博士后研究员,于2021年至2022年间在香港浸会大学计算机科学系担任研究助理教授。在之前,于2016年在北京大学取得硕士学位。 其研究工作致力于将最先进的机器学习技术应用于视频流媒体传输系统,显著优化和改善最为核心的用户观看体验质量。




[Google Scholar]

  1. Guanghui Zhang, and Jing Guo, "A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Balance Viewport Prediction and Video Transmission in 360° Video Streaming," International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'24), Aug 2024. [CCF A]

  2. Guanghui Zhang, Ke Liu, Mengbai Xiao, Bingshu Wang, and Vaneet Aggarwal, "An Intelligent Learning Approach to Achieve Near-Second Low-Latency Live Video Streaming under Highly Fluctuating Networks," ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM'23), Oct 2023. [CCF A]

  3. Pengqiang Bi, Mengbai Xiao, Dongxiao Yu, Guanghui Zhang, Jian Tong, Jingchao Liu, and Yijun Li, "oBBR: Optimize Retransmissions of BBR Flows on the Internet", USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC'23), July 2023. [CCF A]

  4. Jie Zhang, Guanghui Zhang*, and Lirong Dai, "Frequency-Invariant Sensor Selection for MVDR Beamforming in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE TWC), July 2022. [CCF B, JCR Q1]

  5. Guanghui Zhang, Jie Zhang, Haibo Hu, Yan Liu, Jack Y. B. Lee, and Vaneet Aggarwal, "Adaptive Video Streaming with Automatic Quality-of-Experience Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Mar. 2022. [CCF A, JCR Q1]

  6. Guanghui Zhang, Jie Zhang, Ke Liu, Jing Guo, Haibo Hu, Jack Y. B. Lee, and ‪Vaneet Aggarwal‬, "DUASVS: A Mobile Data Saving Strategy in Short-form Video Streaming", IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (IEEE TSC), Feb. 2022. [CCF A, JCR Q1]

  7. Jie Zhang, and Guanghui Zhang*‬, "A Parametric Unconstrained Beamformer Based Binaural Noise Reduction for Wireless Hearing Aids", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (IEEE/ACM TASLP), Dec. 2021. [CCF B, JCR Q1]

  8. Guanghui Zhang‬, Ke Liu, Haibo Hu, and Jing Guo, "Short Video Streaming with Data Wastage Awareness", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE ICME 2021), July 2021. [CCF B]

  9. Guanghui Zhang‬, Jack Y. B. Lee, Ke Liu, Haibo Hu, and ‪Vaneet Aggarwal, "A Unified Framework for Flexible Playback Latency Control in Live Video Streaming", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), May 2021. [CCF A, JCR Q1]

  10. Guanghui Zhang‬, Ke Liu, Haibo Hu, ‪Vaneet Aggarwal, and Jack Y. B. Lee, "Post-Streaming Wastage Analysis – A Data Wastage Aware Framework in Mobile Video Streaming", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Mar. 2021. [CCF A, JCR Q1]

  11. Guanghui Zhang‬, and Jack Y. B. Lee, "Ensemble Adaptive Streaming – A New Paradigm to Generate Streaming Algorithms via Specializations", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Apr. 2019. [CCF A, JCR Q1]
